Nov 07, 2002 10:53 PM
(Updated Nov 07, 2002 10:56 PM)
I love to read books, any books, being an Aquarian makes it easy for me to get engrossed in the world of the Author and here are 10 of my favorite authors.
Some of whom you may have read already.
1 Louis Carroll
Alice in wonderland and Alice through the looking glass first captured my attention when I was a little girl. I was always the dreamer in our family and still am, this topsy turvey world that Louis Carrol created enthralled me and has stayed in my mind all these years.
I have three children and have read them all the tales of Alice.
- Michael Moorcock.
What can I say? If you want to be taken to another dimention then pick up one of his trilogies, Count Brass, Elric, Hawkmoon and the other books in his series will keep you entertained for hours. He is such a futuristic writter and for anyone who enjoys fantasy books then these are not to be missed.
- Terry Pratchett
A fabulous and humourous writter of fantasy books, go on an adventure of wit and funny events that happen in all of his books, I have never read one that has disappointed me yet.
I’d recommend you have a read at his work
- J.R.R. Tolkien
With the publicity that the film has received, I think more people will pick up The Lord of the Rings and read, but if your looking for an even better book it has to be The Hobbit.
Tolkien delights you with the tales of Bilbo Baggins and middle earth. What a genius.
- Agatha Christie
I love a good who done it and her work is brilliant.
Hercule Poirot is the famous detective she writes about and he always gets his man. I find these books easy reading and like to relax with a good thriller now and again.
- Jack Kerouac.
His books about his experiences travelling around will facinate you, his work include On the Road, The lonesome traveller, The town and the city, and other novels. He has also penned poetry. He was born in 1922 in Lowell Massachusetts and unfortunately died aged forty seven in 1969.
7.Iain Banks.
Not everyones cup of tea, so to speak, but I like to get to grips with a good sci-fi book that will leave me thinking at the end of it and his work always seems to have the right twists to hold your attention.
- Ken Kesey
Famous for writing One flew over the cuckoo’s nest, what a brilliant book and film that is, another good one is Last go round, a tale of the old west.
I like his style of writing and would recommend you to get a copy of one of his books, you won’t be disappointed.
- Enid Blyton.
Just blipped back to my childhood then, as I was always reading her books, from the Famous Five to the Secret Seven she captured many hours of my youth as I sat in my room reading her books. They are timeless works and any girl or boy will probably still pick them up and enjoy them.
10 Clive Barker.
This is my last one, unfortunately I could go on for quite a while yet. I like his fantasy novels which take you into another world, of mystery and magic.
Definitely check out this author if your looking in a book shop and wondering what to buy.
Weave world is one of his well known books and is an excellent read.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my choices.