Feb 08, 2001 10:07 AM
First let me tell you that the reason for purchasing this instruments was not the Tata's name attached to it but just because we were having Beetel's instrument and suddenly it's ring volume stop functioning, so we decided to go for TataFone premier T800.
We bought it from the official Tata showroon at parel. As normally happens the salesman inform us about its good quality and some new features. The instrument function properly for first 3 months, but as soon as monsoon started the problem with the instrument also started.
1.The push buttons which earlier use to be very
smooth, now became hard and one had to press it with
all the force to dial a number.
2.The flash buttons stopped fuctioning totally.
3.The ring indicator(LED) would work sometimes and
other times it would glow without any incoming
And when I called at showroom fromwhere I purchased the phone the guy at other end told me that they are having many such complains regarding the instruments and told me to give the instrument some hot air from blower, and when I did as he told me it again started functioning normal, but I had to do it almost every fortnight to get it to fuction properly.
I would advice you to go for panasonic telephone instruments as they perform well under any climate change.