"Tanhaji, The unsung warrior", is a Bollywood movie released in January 2020. The director of the movie is Om Raut and the film is produced by T SERIES AND AJAY DEVGN FILMS. The budget of the film is 125 crores INR and made a box office collection of 367.65 crores INR. The story is based on a Maratha Warrior TANHAJI who is a warrior of GREAT SHIVAJI'S SENA. He goes to recapture the KONDHANA fort when Mughal Emperor Aurangazeb captured the fort. The story depicts the victory of TANHAJI over the Warrior of Mughal Udaybhan. Ajay Devgn plays the role of TANHAJI, Saif Ali Khan plays the role of Udaybhan and Kajol plays the role of wife of TANHAJI. Ajay Devgn's acting is fabulous in the movie. SAIF also plays the character of Uday Bhan very well. A great movie to watch.