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Supertech Scoundrel, Money Eater, Mean, Hooligan,
Review On Supertech, Noida

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Supertech Scoundrel, Money Eater, Mean, Hooligan,
Jul 01, 2012 09:49 AM 13317 views
(Updated Jul 01, 2012 09:54 AM)

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We have become a victim of Business tactics and builder cheating that the Real estate builders like Supertech has using for trapping the novice consumers and exploiting them in the desire of one home. The real facts are as follows:-

  1. W e have booked a flat no. 205 in CS10, project Capetown at Noida Sec 74 thru a broker name Marketing times Realty Sector 2 Noida but show off their presence as underwriter of the direct relation of Supertech to us. The Broker team leader was a novice person who doesn’t disclose all the hidden facts to us and in faith booked a flat of Supertech. The Broker first said that you can pay the initial booking amount and after that the 30% demand may come after booking of the flat and the rest of the amount you will have to pay at the time of possession. The Broker also not told that the all three applicants in the attached booking form must have to be in blood relation for getting loan sanction on the booked flat. The Broker also not told that if the demand may come to you and if you not pay that demand on time then the 24% interest will be applicable and charge by the Builder. The Broker also not told us that after booking if you want to cancel the flat then the builder may deduct 15 from the total amount we have paid the builder.

  2. We have signed the booking form on the broker faith that he was saying right to us. The booking form in the first page or on the front page doesn’t contains the terms and conditions in bold noticeable characters and neither the broker may assist and indicate the consumers to read & explain the Terms and conditions intentional put in the middle of the booking form write in small context and in concise and neither nor the broker insist to read about and explain the first the term and conditions of Supertetch.

  3. After the 60 days of booking we get 70% Demand which is Rs 35 Lakhs. We shocked that in short time how the demand may arise. The Supertech told us that he erected only pillars upto 7th floor so the demand comes 70 % while floor is not furnished. We request the builder that we have no idea that you demand in such an unlawful way although no work of our floor has completed till yet. The Builder also said that if not paid 24 % interest you have to bear. We said the Broker have not told about this interest thing nor you mentioned in Website of Supertech. So kindly cancel our flat and may return our initial booking amount which we paid at the time of booking. The Supertech said that they will deduct 15 % from our amount which we have paid in this booked flat. We said we have no idea about it that after cancel of the booking the Supertech may deduct this amount in an unlawful way. The Broker also not told that in cancellation you will get your amount in deduct. The Builder said that you have signed terms and conditions we said that your terms and conditions are in the middle of the form and the broker will turn the page himself and neglect the part of the terms and conditions to observe. We said the booking form is a temporary form not any authentication & validity in the eyes of law neither it was there where we signed because anything done has to done on the registered proper document thru Registrar.

  4. We after that meet four directors of the supertech one by one who said that they have a policy made for their personal unjust enrichment and unlawful purpose for the welfare & demands of the Supertech staff and the chairman and directors of the company who get all the expenses deduct from the consumer who trapped accidentally in supertech and want to exit. We said that how you can charge 24% Interest although we are not using your living services of flat accessing neither nor any personal debt we have taken from you. We also try to meet R.K Arora chairman of Supertech but his secretary, security & senior staff had stopped us for going to meet the chairman of supertech and leave the other supertech employees to look this matter. All the employees of supertech are so rough, shrewd, self indulgent, cheater and working only for the unjustified welfare of the Superetch Chairman and have no sympathy & human morality to us neither nor any consumers and clients. We said that kindly refund our Rs 3 Lakhs as we actually paid at the time of booking but the supertech employees are adamant that they will deduct 15% i.e forty five thousand and the rest of the money will be return in 4-6 months time-frame . What this type of crooked activities the supertech may using for harming consumers who trapped by the Brokers thru criminal conspiracy by Supertech who have given full rights to sell their flats on large unjust commission basis for spreading by hook or by crook. The Supreme Court also made guidelines for the builder that no charge has to be taken by the builder of Car parking but the builders also charging car parking into their additional charges rate with the flat BSP Cost.

  5. Company made wrong Rule for their personal undue enrichment which is against and opposite of the Doctrine of Public Policy. That this Supertech first hide the complete unjustified Rule from the novice consumers who may innocently entrap in their property flats and after then when the customer wants to exit out from the booking flat this company in the Rule curtain against Indian law deduct 15% of the total amount paid to him and return the rest of the amount 85% in 4-5 months so that in the rest time period of the amount they also earned heavy interest and purchase new land for their projects in an unlawful and illegal business tactics. If the customer be unable to pay the demand money by the builder then this company also charge 24% heavy interest on agreed amount which they have not given any possession to consumers neither nor any consumer may taking advantage by living in their flat. It is totally bias that registrar of companies & other concerned authorities grant such Rule to make heavy loss to innocent consumers and the company flourishing thru illicit malpractices adopted by him and you grant power into their dirty hands to misuse the money for their personal undue advantage.

Now! We are writing to You to Take appropriate action how the notorious defame builder like Supertech & their accomplice underwriters who both have looting & exploiting the consumers and using their business tactics in the curtain of the Supertech and other offices and drafting the booking form in a illusion way putting terms and conditions on page 3 or page 4 in minute font instead on first page and copy terms and conditions after signing of booking form. We want our paid amount Rs 3.0 Lakhs in full get returned, without any unjust cutting as I am an only lady without any job support, without any husband support and alone and thought to but a one home in Delhi with my hard earned money thru private tuitions teaching. I have paid the check by myself and now round and round day to day accessing the supertech office in sector 58, Noida from Muzaffarnagar frequently in the hope that I will get my full amount Rs 3.0 lakhs in one single day.

My personal harassment and my misappropriation of my funds undue advantage has been taken by the supertech till yet which is an criminal offence.

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