Dec 27, 2016 07:57 PM
STATE BANK BUDDY is mobille wallet app, this app you download on android and ios smartphone. this application very simple and very safe. the best part of this app is you don't have state bank of india account. you just go to app and register your mobile number, email ID and name and date of birth after registration process, set 4 digit pin.
login your account and add money on wallet. the buddy app available in 13 can also use for this app pay bills and recharge. state bank buddy is run 2G/3G/4G devices. other feature of buddy is you an send money your account and book your bus and movies ticket and online shopping on this app.
this application run all android and ios device its app very lite and smoother. state bank buddy not lag like other wallet app.
I advice use this app its very good app and very safe because this app develop by STATE BANK OF INDIA.