Sep 01, 2004 03:18 PM
(Updated Sep 01, 2004 03:18 PM)
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You may think I only talk about Cricket but today I have forced myself to write something else! Squash... the most painful game in existance. Consists of hitting a small rubber ball which heats up until it resembles an asteroid against a wall and then getting out of the way of your sweaty businessman opponent while he lumbers across the court.
Then he will blast it back at the aforementioned wall giving you full reason to curl up into a little ball and avoid getting hit. Of course, getting hit by a squash ball hurts less than say, a cricket ball but it still very sore if you manage to get yourself hit, as it gives you third degree burns instead of mandatory cricketers broken rib. I'm still smarting from a blow I was dealt just underneath my right eye a couple of dys ago (the bruise still promenent on my face) and my arms still feel like they have been run over by a lorry three or four times.
This is because squash is one of the most physically punishing sports in existance. It is used for Olympic athletes during their training and it is small wonder why it is the favourite sport amongst businessmen as you do an awful lot of work in the ten minutes that a usual match lasts. Therefore I must warn you if you wish to undertake squash as your hobby.
It hurts. A lot. And by the time you finish aching from the last time you played it, it is time to play it again. So quite frankly, if you aren't a fitness freak - don't try it. This is not for the faint of heart. By the way kids... Don't play squash in your living room.