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Jul 22, 2012 11:10 AM 3891 Views

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This is my Sony Playstation Vita Review | Sony PS Vita Review | PS Vita Review. hi guys I want to describe my latest ps vita features and my experience. The physical design is an evolution of the PSP Slim and Lite, the front dominated by the whopping 5-inch screen, with the dual analogue pads to either side, the D-Pad on the left and the face buttons on the right, in a layout that will immediately seem natural to anyone familiar with a dual-shock 3 controller. Of course, PlayStation Vita has only two shoulder buttons, modelled in clear pespex to maintain the unit’s elegant lines, but - as we’ll see later - this is less of an issue than it might seem. Vita feels light and comfortable in your hands, and while the position of the sticks takes a little getting used to, it’s a very easy handheld to use for long periods - much more so than the rather cramp-inducing 3DS. At 280g, it’s comfortably light as well.

The physical controls work perfectly. We had some minor doubts about the accuracy of the right analogue stick while trying to aim in Uncharted: The Golden Abyss, but in other titles it doesn’t seem to be a problem, and the feel is just right; arguably one step closer than the 3DS analogue stick in giving you what you’re used to from a full-scale controller. For FPS games it’s going to make a massive difference. And while you might miss the L2 and R2 buttons in some games, it’s unlikely to be a huge problem, for the simple reason that PlayStation Vita has what you might almost call a surfeit of other controls.

The most obvious is the capacitive front touch screen, which is fast, responsive and multitouch aware. Uncharted and many of the PlayStation Vita launch titles use it regularly, both to provide handy on-screen buttons or menu controls, and as a means for swiping or pinching gesture controls. Then there’s the rear touch panel. Prodding it without seeing what you’re doing feels  a little unintuitive at first, but once you’ve used it to push ridges in the landscape to roll a pint-sized monster around in Little Deviants, the potential starts to become clear.

Then there’s the tilt controls. You can use them in the expected way, tilting to steer in Wipeout 2043 for example,  but they become useful in other games as well, allowing changes of view in the Pool game Hustle Kings, or providing an excellent means of fine-tuning sniper shots in Uncharted. Most of all, they come into their own in the Augmented Reality shenanigans of Little Deviants or Reality Fighters, with the former having you rotate physically on the spot to blast alien invaders from the real world skies that surround you, while the latter uses them to control the view of the bout happening on your floor or coffee table.

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