Avennue 1 - Nothing less than a nightmare !!

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Possession on: Mar 2020
Status: Ready to Move
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Avennue 1 - Nothing less than a nightmare !!
Feb 13, 2021 03:12 PM 13175 views

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My dream of buying a home has turned into an exasperating experience with Avenue 1 - Sunteck Realty. My sincere word of caution to every home buyer out there is if you don't want sleepless nights after parting with your money to Sunteck.then please stay 10 miles away from this project.

Highly insensitive staff with no work ethic & zero professionalism. A home buyer's problems & concerns are almost always.' disregarded' but never'addressed' . Talking to their CRM team is equivalent to banging your head against the wall.

Please learn from other people's mistakes.

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