Dec 06, 2009 11:22 AM
(Updated Dec 07, 2009 05:53 PM)
I think this guy is a true Patriot. Has anyone considered the risk he undertakes to do what he does? He once stated that on the eve of 9/11 President Bush had dinner with a close relative of Osama Bin Laden at the White House.
When the 9\11 attacks took place Bush's Military advisors were flown in and a huge discussion took place. The conclusion was this "Osama was responsible for the attacks" and so we should focus on Afghanistan. Bush disagrees and his orders are to bomb Iraq instead. This was confirmed by the then United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.
If I were Bush, the oil would of been the only reason for me to make such a stupid decision.
Things like Insurance scams and people not receiving their insurance coverage’s after paying their hard earned cash throughout their lives. Children and elderly dying just because the Insurance Corporations want more money. Moore has got proof of all this.
Michael Moore has ticked off many huge money hungry corporations and these are not the kinda people you wanna tick off. Who can he run to though? Not the Government, they'd like to see him dead too.
I think he's brave and selfless at what he does and a few more like him would definitely make our politicians and Corporate Heads think twice. Sometimes that is all it takes.
Enjoy the Documentary.