Jan 28, 2018 01:15 PM
So this is an internet shopping website of India. They additionally have a TV station where they offer items so I requested an item from phone no gave in that channel.
The item was couch and diwan covers and a cover. So they disclosed to me that it will take somewhere in the range of 4 to 5 days to convey where they took some extra charges for conveyance which was not exactly a frail.
The date I requested was 16/12/2017 and they too let it know will be conveyed till 20/12/2017. However, it didn't arrive it was 1 powerless then gradually 2 weaks yet they just send message apologize and said that it will be conveyed in next 4 days. After numerous grumblings on client mind they called me and said it will be conveyed yet no it didn't. The present date is 28/12/2018 one month and still the same no conveyance of that item. So my proposal is that don't really trust destinations and such channel they make an issue of shopping. Here and there the item may be conveyed but instead they simply overlook our requests so effortlessly.