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A different strategy
Aug 03, 2010 10:37 PM 2224 Views
(Updated Oct 12, 2010 10:24 PM)





Redemption - the term indicates deliverance. What is Shawshank Redemption? Shawshank is a prison where people with heinous crime record are sent to pay for their sins. The prison is run by a warden who purpots to believe in the Bible, but his actions are very much contrary to his beliefs. He is a tough task master.It was believed in those times that one who enters Shawshank had no hope of seeing the outside world. The terms of imprisonment are at the mercy of a handful of juries who judge it the prisoner is fit to enter into the outside world and live like normal men. If the prisoner fails the test or if the jury is of the opinion that he is not sociable, he will have to serve another term of severe punishment. Very appropriate! you might think for those hardcore criminals, yes. But think otherwise. What if an innocent person enters this place?

Serving a sentence that he does not deserve, having already lost the desire to live, as his beloved wife was murdered, Andy, the hero had to come to terms, not only with the fact that his wife had an extra marital affarir, but also that all the circumstantial evidence pointing to him as the murderer. One day Andy returns home to find both his wife and her lover dead on his bed. He calls the police to report the murder, but as the story unfolds he is blamed for the murder and is taken as a prisoner to no other place than Shawshank!!! After few years of dealing with his depression, he slowly begins to accept the reality and his helpless state. At the prison he is tortured by a group who also sexually assault him.

Cool and composed the hero is unsually silent which makes him an island so to speak. His only trusted acquaintance is the second hero Ellis. They blend very well and it looks like they are friends who share everything with each other. That was the case with his friend but not so with our hero who is plotting to get out of the prison somehow or the other. What is the strategy adopted by this man to redeem himself from the clutches of fate? He uses something which we all have, but never use it the way we should. Well, he uses his intelligence, the only weapon that could penetrate the walls of Shawshank literally, as he gnaws through the concrete with a rock hammer of the size of a razor for 20 long years, which by the way is only half the years of his total sentence. Being one of the busiest bankers of his time, the very reason why he lost his wife to another man, he offers his financial services to the warden who gets it absolutely for nothing. He brings reform into the prison, aids in educating the fellow inmates and is taken into confidence by the warden for all the atrocities committed.

This is the story of a man who refused to accept his fate, the one who worked his ways through the impossible and made sure that he be paid for all the lost years. How? Well watch the movie. It's worth it! In the end he not only escapes but also takes vengeance all with his MOUTH SHUT.

Moral of the story:

This is the story of a sparrow that flew low to avoid an eagle. He reached the ground and thought to himself that he was safe now. Unfortunately, a cow standing nearby shat on him. He tried everything he could to get out of the pile of dung, but could not. His feet and his wings got stuck in thedung and he could not move out. Saddened by whatever happened with him, the sparrow was filled with self pity and cried aloud. His song reached the sky, no not to God , but to the eagle. Finding his prey in the most favourable situation- favourable for the eagle of course-the eagle picks him up from the mud right to his dinner table. The moral then is " do not open your mouth when you know you are". Our hero did not cry, did not make any noise but played it safe. What is the hope you may ask for the sheep that is lead to the butcher? There is hope till the knife reaches his neck :)

The story as applied in day to day life: It may be your office boss that is the problem or your arrogant juniors that give you the head ache or it could be both. (OR) It might be your wife/husband and your kids. What is your strategy out? There is only one way out, which is to use your wisdom like our hero did and not your muscle or your voice. Take an account of your situation and use all your wisdom and remember there is no use of talking about your problems to others. You may never know your best friend could be your worst enemy. There should be a solution if there was a problem. You need only to find it. On the basis of this film the strategy to defeat your enemy is to gain his confidence. Take care!


Andy played by Tim Robbins

His friend played by Morgan Freeman

The real hero is the plot !

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Shawshank Redemption Movie