Jun 09, 2008 03:15 PM
I would like to share my pain & angst that I had to undergo at the hands of RGV, thanks to Sarkar Raj, a sequel to a very nicely made Sarkar. Maybe that we (my wife is to be equally blamed for dragging me to this movie on a rainy slushy evening) had very high expectations looking at the promos of this movie or that we (read it as my wife) have waited for long for a good movie in the recent past, and having watched Sarkar, we did not wait long enough to book our seats.
A detailed review is not worthy enough and following are my views (read it as dislikes) about this movie:
Wafer thin story line or surely, there was more to it and I missed it.
Either the theatre was dimly lit (its supposed to be that way, ain't it) or I have had an attack of night blindness (need to consult my optometrist), 80% of this movie has been shot in dim light. Shady elements dark lit movie?? Is this what RGV thinks or conveys?
Dark lit rooms with long shadows, Bachchan Sr wearing a black LUNGI, Bachchan Jr with black goggles....
Too many close-up shots....RGV saving on costume costs!! Good ploy, it seems to have worked
First half of the movie sounds like a documentary stuff....no insult to any documentary directors out here!!
Wasted characters to a great extent....specially Tanisha. She barely turns up in two shots in the entire movie!
Surely there is a plot...but after patiently sitting through almost 2 hours, no one would dare care about it.
Music, nothing much to write about it and there is some soothing Sarkar tune in the background which is passable
Lots of loose ends & un-explained happenings, specially the killings. If I remember it right, in the first part, Sarkar, one murder sparks a big row & it lands Mr Bachchan behind bars. Amazingly in its sequel, people are brought in to Mr Nagare's house & killed without any questions asked. The CM gets killed (not assassinated for sure, stabbing a CM sounds very crude!), Bachchan Jr saves a kidnapped chap by killing lots of henchmen, Bachchan Sr kills his henchman...no questions asked! I did not dare to ask either!!
I can take a bet on it, Mr Bachchan has financed this movie to a great extent. There is a strong message, not sure to whom (any guesses?), that Mr Nagre (read it as Mr Bachchan) is strongly in favour of developments in Maharastra. They do not even mind getting killed in the process!
Of course, there are some good moments in the movie, strewn here & there but other reviewers have highlighted it.So, I will not touch upon it.
What worries me more is that the last shot prompts the audience about another impending sequel.....Fortunately, even my wife disliked this movie to a great extent! Phew!! I think I would need less convincing to talk my wife out of watching any other RGV sequels!!
Disclaimer: The views & opinions expressed in this review are solely mine (& only mine) and it is not meant to hurt anyone, including RGV. It is not a part of any propaganda to discourage viewers from watching this movie!!