Jun 13, 2018 05:15 PM
Nowadays cooking is so simplified by technology impact. According to my experience that I would like to share about samsung oven.
As we are moving for work projects due to different locations & cost wise issues. My colleagues decided to buy kitchen things to fulfill the food necessity.
To make south indian dishes delicious dishes we have choosen Microwave oven after visited & queried about it. We bought this 2 years ago.
Now our work life is got balanced since we are not depend for food. Because the handling is easy user friendly. We tried many recipies apart from south indian dishes.
Cooking time is less simplified by timer itself. There has been no familiar to operate this oven.
I have prepared some baking foods also gives great test than expected.
Power consumption is normal and no shocking problems. I like it very much. In early days our team friends spent mostly in hotel life. Now our trend have been changed.
Thank you samsung to gave this nice product design.