Royal enfeild classic 350 is super amazing bike.
it's looking is so much nice.
it's engine capacity is 346cc.
it speed is good.
main draw back of this bike is it consume more and more petrol or it is costly approx 1.30lakh. poor person not easily purchase this bike if purchase then he can't give petrol price.
now a days petrol price are also high in india.
this bike supper for two wheeler and easily comfortable for long riding.
In some time confuse in gare because in some bike ger are in left side or in some in right side.
on old model there are not self. so problem in kick and some they back kick harm person in leg.According to my thinking when u ride two wheeler for safe riding always wear helmet or handel catch with both hand. becuse some time balance may bi revoke.
lokking way bike is realy good.
Now a days rich people for show off they purchase this bike.
And in road they blasts boom in that type bikes.
So on that time nearly person are shocked from where sound come and some time fear.
But this is good bike.