Apr 13, 2018 05:42 PM
Hello Friends I am here to shae my opinions about the jiofi 3 Personal hotspot Router . I have two jiofi 3 Routers onw is nearly 2 years old and another is 7-8 months old . I bought new jiofi3 only because I was satisfied with old jiofi 2 Hotspot Router . Now my Father and I use them and this jiofi Router best router I used till now . I am impressed with its speed helps me to download app and movies in minutes . the Price of This Router is 1999rs . I purchased this router from ajio.com. The battery life is amazing I charge it once in a day mainly in at morning and use it almost all the day . When the battery is low the green battery light will start blinking and becomes Red .
#Best Performance
#Can connact many mobiles and pc.
#jio support is good.
#can carry anywhere wherever you go .