Jul 25, 2008 09:20 AM
(Updated Nov 21, 2008 01:43 PM)
Redbus is an year and a half old startup by few young entrepreneurs and is funded by Seedfund.in, who call Redbus.in as one of their flagship investments. Bharti Jacob of Seedfund.in said at a Startup
Saturday in IIMB that Redbus business volume has reached from 10 tickets a day to nearly 1000 tickets a day. That’s a phenomenal and promising growth for an infant start up. Kudos to Redbus team.
With due respects to everyone involved, I recently read in Mouthshut.com several negative reviews about this service and few of my friends also felt they could have got better services had they avoided RedBus. I’ve not verified how legitimate these complaints are but they appear to be written by irate passengers who didn’t get the expected quality of service from bus operators for the tickets purchased through Redbus.in. Few others had payment and customer care related issues.