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Jan 18, 2013 10:15 AM 20755 Views
(Updated Jan 18, 2013 10:21 AM)

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It was love at first sight! After many more sights, she looked back at me, smiled and asked “Red Bull?”, I couldn’t resist the red bull from a pretty girl, I took it happily, 3 gulps and over , beauty had won  the battle of wits. I thought of going back and asking for more, but what would she think, the question kept itching my mind, but I went back and took one more, also asked her name. A statutory warning before proceeding, this is not a ‘Boy sees a girl, girl sees the boy, love happens and happily ever after story’ but it’s a story where you fall in love and then understand that it can be harmful at times, and no! it is not the Red bull girl, it’s the product she was marketing that I fell in love with – the Red Bull.

There were times during my engineering days that I used to drink red bull a lot, well you need something to keep you awake all night when you have an exam the next day and coffee wasn’t helping.  6-7 cans of red bull every night during the exams, that’s how crazily addicted I was to this drink.  My infatuation had grown to love and then to obsession, I began drinking it very often, even during normal days when I was at the heights of my velapanti.  Being regularly drunk those days, I used to add Red bull to Vodka and it was ecstasy.  Little did I know that I was slowly destroying myself . But I happened to come to realization, though late, has helped me and it will help you too. I am listing 6 reasons why you shouldn’t drink redbull after some thorough research.

#1 – It causes Anxiety

One can of Red bull contains 80 grams of Caffeine. According to a research published by the MIT, excessive caffeine in energy drinks have high energy producing effects but causes excessive anxiety, restlessness, nervousness and insomnia.

#2 – May give you a Heart Attack

When the body produces energy you need the heart to work more than it actually does, this increases blood pressure which triggers irregularity in the rhythm of your heart beats which may prove fatal. So fatal, that it may give you a heart attack especially for those who exert themselves physically.

#3 – Causes Dehydration

High amounts of caffeine in the body also increases the risk of dehydration, so if you drink red bull instead of water, you are in for a lot of headaches and you might feel nauseous.

#4 – My give you seizures

As I already stated earlier, it increases blood pressure, the brain is the actual controller of your heart but when you use an energy drink, it stimulates the heart but not the brain so without proper coordination between the heart and the brain, it may cause seizures and cerebral hemorrhage.

#5 – Too much Vitamins

Red bull also contains many vitamins required for instant energizing, but too much of that might also cause harm as it is only required during deficiency. Excessive Vitamin B increases numbness in some parts of your body.

#6 - Finally never put Red Bull in alcohol – It becomes a bomb

Red bull is a highly addictive drink and so is Vodka, so if you add two addictions together it becomes an even bigger addiction. Researchers have claimed that people high on red bull have higher chance of alcohol addiction. And it creates an even more explosive mixture for your liver which may detoriate faster.

Some Research papers and news regarding the same :

News/articles published regarding RED BULL by the various agencies.

for more information click the links given below...

Red Bull banned in Dutch schools

Energy drinks banned in Chechnya

July 20, 2011

"Energy drinks, which are heavily marketed to the action sports crowd, have also faced bans in France, Norway, Germany, Uruguay, Canada and Denmark in recent years".

Energy drinks banned from Manatee (U.S. state of Florida) schools

Published: Monday, July 23, 2012

Red Bull Cola energy drink banned for containing cocaine

China stores ban Red Bull

Russian region ready to ban Red Bull

Are high energy drinks killing you?

"High-caffeine beverages have been a huge hit with young clubbers wanting to bolster energy levels. But drinks such as Red Bull are banned in countries including Norway, Uruguay and Denmark because of health fears".

please read 7th & 8th paragraph of the article given in the link below (published Tuesday, Nov 20 2012)

"Norway, Denmark and France have banned the drink from all shops other than pharmacies, classifying it as a medicine because of its high caffeine content, and the company is now embroiled in a legal battle in the European Court of Justice".

U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning Letters to these companies and said that further action, including seizure of their products, is possible under federal law.

and in the last, news from India

Unsafe caffeine levels in energy drinks: CSE study

So the next time you see a BABE selling this BOMB, go for the BABE not for the BOMB!!!

Thanks and Regards,



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Red Bull