Aug 23, 2005 08:32 PM
(Updated Aug 29, 2005 06:28 PM)
Hahaha.LOLz.I am not talking/teaching about Electronic Circuits of course, but abt the FEEDBACK people(both Members & Guests) give @ MS reviews.
My sincere request to both Members & Guests is that'Give FEEDBACK on whatever Review U visit @ MS.After all, it doesn't take much time to do that.Guess, it hardly takes a minute(or) two of Ur time.In fact, if U do give a Feedback(either (+)ve or (-)ve), U R indeed encouraging the guy/gal who wrote that Review.
As been said by Charles Coonradt,
'The failure to give appropriate and timely feedback is the most extreme cruelty that we can inflict on any human being.'
Human beings CRAVE feedback. Try ignoring any 3-year-old, at 1st, he will wait for positive attention, but if he is continually ignored, soon you will hear a loud crash or cry, because any 'feedback, even negative feedback, is better than no feedback.' Some people think that this principle applies to children only, but it applies even more to adults.
In my opinion, If U cut off the feedback on any MS review, the writer creates his/her own feedback & thinks that the review is not GOOD @ all even though the review is good.
This problem is not only @ MS, but is there in the whole world. In any organization, The Managers who have the biggest trouble motivating/encouraging their people are the ones who give the least feedback of their work. Example is my Technical Manager @ my Workplace.
P.S.: 20% of this taken from the book written by Steve Chandler & Scott Richardson