Jan 21, 2005 03:35 PM
(Updated Jan 23, 2005 03:54 PM)
After my first diabolical attempt at a review on this subject went crazily wrong(I said completely the opposite to the truth) I need to realign a few things which were out of sync in the original(now destroyed).
In the original I said that diesel was more expensive but more effective than petrol and that petrol was quite a good economical choice. Well, that was wrong.
I got mixed up, and the truth, as many people have pointed out to me on the comments section, is as follows.
Petrol is MORE expensive than diesel but is more responsive and'nippier.' Petrol cars I do believe(however) are less expensive at the showroom. Diesel is cheaper, but compromises on performance.
Once again, I am not going to offer much of an opinion so really it is whatever you decide is best for you.
I would like to give my thanks to visgarg, rajasagar, skeletore(though be a little nicer to me if you're criticising) and thegreatone for pointing out the errors I had made.
I also like to thank everyone else who has left a comment.