Mar 30, 2001 11:32 AM
I have always prefered pepsi over all other soft drinks.Yesterdays[29\3\2001] poll on TIMES OF INDIA, which is one of the best newspaper in the world held its poll I was taken over by no surprise that pepsi was ahead of COKE by miles.
Maybe out of INDIA that coke might be better but as far as indians are concerned PEPSI is always better.The polls also showed how unpopular coke was. As Thums up is consumed more than coke.But my Pepsi is much better for both of them.
3 cheers to PePSi.
I love having it and so does my indian friends.In india Pepsi has 2 big rivals COKE & THUMBS UP.Both come up with advertisements to show that their product is better than that of Pepsi,sometimes making a mokery of Pepsi advertise.
But it does not make a difference as shown by the pole where 38,580 people voted and this was the result
PePSi - 46%
Thums Up - 36%
Coke - 18%