Nov 20, 2000 08:53 PM
I had been using the normal parachute coconut oil since I was a kid and I wud really detest the mornings when mum wud oil my hair cuz it wud be so greasy .But since I had long hair this was compulsory in my school , I really had no wud give me such a ''nerdy'' look which I really hated .
But since quite some time I have started using this oil , after seeing the advertisement on the T.V. and I really must say that i'm fully satisfied with it . Now I can apply it and even go out for a stroll or just to hang-out with my friends . After applying this oil my hair has become smooth but not the traditional ''greasy''
One cud really trust a company like parachute to come up a ''non-greasy'' solution to a greasy problem like mine .I like Parachute -lite .