I regularly use parachute coconut hair oil.and I never think of other brand.I am not the only person using the product but I have seen that the most people use it.parachute is the brand which is known for its purity.I love parachute.
Fragrance is like a pure coconut oil.its clear like a glass.no harmul chemical which is used by other brands for more fragrance.parachute only focus on its purity.
It helps and keep my hair shiny and black.I regularly use it and get the best results.I do massage with parachute coconut hair oil to keep my hair shiny.
Ease of styling is great.it helps me to keep my hair smooth and shiny so Its easy to styling.everyday after taking bath, I apply this parachute coconut hair oil on my hair for keeping my hair shiny black and stylish.so ease of styling.Thank u parachute