Jan 12, 2017 11:09 PM
This is the first time I have gone to Pantaloons Shoppe in Gariahat, Kolkata .As far as the parking facility is concerned, it is neat and clean but has not enough room for much vehicles, the decorations and lightings are exceptionally very good, ocassionally the mall is well decorative, the clothings are slotted in a non systematic manner as it is available one in ground floor and the same quality clothings in the fourth floor, and FINALLY THE COST OF THE CLOTHINGS IS LIMIT-EXCEEDINGS, OUT OF BUDJET FOR MOST OF THE CUSTOMERS, RECENTLTY I BOUGHT A SHIRT OF REYMOND AND THE COST OF IT IS TOO MUCH TOO BEAR FOR ME RS 4500, costing for packaging is too high to handle, so if u have a budget oriented shopping, then PANTALOONS IS NOT THE RIGHT CHOICE for all of you.