Mar 27, 2006 05:21 PM
(Updated Mar 27, 2006 05:28 PM)
I happened to purchase this Panasonic S29 DVD player for Rs.4000.00, believing it to be a 5.1 channel Dolby/DTS machine. But it is not 5.1 but 2.0. I contacted my dealer to replace this one with an equivalent thing with 5.1 Channel analog out compatible with the my receiver. It took him a couple of days to get other brands. He offered me LG and KY.
In the meantime I viewed a couple of movies on this one. It wonderfully removed the bands from cinemascope movies without leaving any signs of quality deterioration or zoom symbol on screen. It has got 6-7 modes of cinemascope viewing.
The KY model was simply trash as its MP3 loading was very slow and folder view was pathetic with only 5 charecters of file name on display. What to say of picture quality, it used to what should I call-simply deteriorate as I zoomed to get rid of the bands. It was very prominet in action scenes. I discarded this one outright.
Next was LG8556. Its folder view was ok but not as fast and good as that of S29 which displayed complete file names. The zoom would leave you with a zoom symbol on screen with evident deterioration in picture definition. Sound was 5.1 channel alright but the quality was nothing to write home about. In contrast, S29's sound was very crisp and vocals bound even at higher dBs. It was not able to produce any audio out put with DTS DVDs. I discared this one also in favour of my S29.
Only issue with S29 was the less no of aud channels, but that was ably compensated by my receiver which has Virtual surround mode, which recreated the 5.1 channels to my satisfaction. Another con is that it does not have an auto resume feature.
Otherwise S29 is a pretty stand out machine, because of its different features(pure japanese), Crisp sound, Superb video quality, Unlimied disc compatibilty(except for Divx and Vidx), supposed to be code free. It looks killer compared to silver look of Philips. It is a machine whih can give a run for their money to many high end machines.
Go for it, if you have already not purchased T-Series 901 at Rs.1990 from your neighbourhood Big Bazar.