Oct 15, 2002 08:19 AM
(Updated Oct 15, 2002 08:21 AM)
If you want that each & every person should have good health;then ban those misleadind ads.on TV;Magazines & on hoardings.
Overall toothcare should come from'Dentist's advice'.One thing is very clear that what we eat accordingly our teeth react.Donot eat Sweets;.Chocolates;too much RED MEAT;these food stuff definitely aggravate bad bactria growth in mouth causing'bad Breath'.Use soft Brush.regularly brush teeth atleast twice a day.Brushing before sleep is more important than any other time.because growth of bacteria is more rapid when you are sleeping.;your saliva is stagnant.
Always select your Brush & Tooth-paste after consulting your dentist;which are better for you.'DONOT BELIEVE IN THE THE ADVERTISEMENTS'.Never use force while brushing;this causes weakness in enamel.