Dec 10, 2003 10:30 AM
(Updated Dec 28, 2005 04:30 PM)
(Based on the Orange Flavour Soft-Drink)
Orangina Orange is one of my best fizzy drinks that I like to consume almost anytime. Flavour is not as sweet as most softdrinks (like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Sprite), and quite sour anyway.
But I think it`s the best on the market nowadays because it contains very little amount of additional flavours or artificial stuffs. The ingredients listed on the Original Oranginal Orange flavour soft drink is as follows: Carbonated Water, Concentrated Orange Juice and other Citrus Juices, Sugar, Orange Pulp, Orange Zest Extracts, and as preservative, Sodium Benzoate.
When chilled (as suggested by producer), the flavour is in other words preserved well, but when it`s not, then the flavour gets a bit like juice itself, which is sweet and in this instance, a let-down.
So, Orangina is a good softdrink ONLY when served chilled. But as a matter of fact, any softdrink is bad, because this is the major cause why we get illnesses like runny nose, coughings (if not fever which is my third contender for over-softdrink consuming)
For fun, Orangina is OK. (Recommended : 5.5/10)