Aug 17, 2002 12:02 AM
(Updated Aug 17, 2002 12:02 AM)
Having heard of a year or so ago, I decided to check it out. At that time, there were no programs to download, just some info on the program that they were planning to release called OpenCola Folders. I decided to leave that site and come back later on, when I did, I saw that there was an opportunity to sign up for the OpenCola beta, which I signed up for. A couple months later, I got an e-mail saying that the OpenCola beta was ready to be downloaded. When I went to the site to download it, the site looked very different from what I saw a couple of months back. Having downloaded and installed OpenCola, I ran it. OpenCola is a web-searching program that ''Leverages the knowledge of other users''. Its UI is pretty good and looks kind of Microsoft Office-ish. It also allows you to Instant Message people on the OpenCola Network and to download files from one another. I think that anyone who wants an alternative to Copernic should try OpenCola. Overall, with some time, it'll become better looking and have more features.
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