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6600 - Huge - useful cellphone
Sep 29, 2006 12:24 AM 2709 Views

Sound Reception:

User friendly:

Style & Design:

Other Features:

Look & Feel:

Value for Money:

I wanted a cellphone with some features like a decent camera, big screen, good screen res, facilities for business etc... I did look around and the search ended in 6600. I bought it with a price of 16,500.00 (Dec 2004). Now the price has dropped to 8,000.00 (street price might vary).

Many features that I are present in this cellphone are superb. I am not among people who just buy something for the sake of buying it. I read the entire Manual and I had explored almost all the options of this cellphone.

Positives & Features:


Best:Clarity of the screen & screen resolution

Sound:(hearing during the call) In my last 1yr 8 ms usage, I never had a problem in listening even while walking through busy roads

Log:A fantastic Log is provided in this phone. It actually stores every activity (Log-able) that you perform. Send/Receive an SMS, you log will record the entry. Also the log is not limited to the number of entries (usual Nokia cellphones have a 20/20/20 list). You can select to store logs for days, or months.

Joystick:Not very soft, but not very rigid. I was able to use it effectively.

Copy & Paste: Most of the 6600 users do not know what this feature is. Copy the content from a Notepad to an SMS, or from an SMS to Wallet or to a TODO list. The copy paste facility works only with the pencil button.

Connectivity: Infrared, and bluetooth are available with this phone

Speaker: A pretty decent speaker phone is available on this phone. This is mono and listening to music does not give good quality.

VGA Camera:A pretty decent camera if used in bright sun light. Everybody know that this cannot be compared with a Mega Pixel camera. Clarity is bad if taken in twilight or even without bright sun light.

Wallet:A decent feature in todays world. Keep all your internet banking credentials, and other important details like PAN, Bank Account Numbers etc. After you save it, protect these details with a password. You are safe.

Negatives & Problems:


Ring Volume:Being Polyphonic the ring volume is too low for Indian conditions (you might miss a call when you are on an autorikshaw with your surrounding noise level really high) You have to use a vibrator mode while outdoor.

Slow Response:My friend helped me do a small test using his cellphone. He called me from his cellphone, and the screen lit up only on the second ring. A single ring call may not get registered in your log. Especially this is a disadvantage among Indian users who use a lot of missed calls.

Long Usage: After a year of usage, I now feel that the cellphone started to create problems like call gets disconnected all of a sudden (no reason). Frequent disconnections adds to frustration

Size & Weight:A small brick this cellphone is. Earlier it was huge, but with the introduction of N series, these are no more huge.

Network:At times if you go out of Network coverage area, even if you come back, the phone may still show as if it is out of coverage area. Only a reboot will restore this at times. Sometimes I was successful with a Manual search.

The worst Part


Nokia has reduced the price to almost 50% within 6 months of my purchase. So Nokia is able to produce such cellphones at a very cheap rate, but still they charge exhorbitant margins from their customers. The value of resale is very very low now, as compared to any other cellphone from Nokia stable. Those who bought it from 22K are now crying. A brand new version of 6600 is available in the market for 8K, so the second hand market will fetch only 3K the max. This makes it 1/4th the cost of purchase.

More to write, but I will include if there are takers... Please request any specific detail if you want to know about it. Write a comment to this review and I will try to explain best as I can.


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Nokia 6600