NOBROKER TECHNOLOGIES SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
We first used broker for renting a flat which took very less time. Was not able to get a proper flat under the free option and went in for the Rs.999/- plan and got a proper flat. Saved the broker fee which would have cost us Rs.22000/-. We also used their paid services for a rental agreement and its registration and for police intimation which are mandatory and essential for renting a flat. The services were highly efficient and quick and received sitting at home. Expenses Rs.4200/- (shared with landlord) for rent agreement and registration and Rs.2700/- for police intimation. Keeping in view the ease and convenience, I think value for money services. I would rate their overall services as excellent. However there is just one shortcoming that I must point out. While they contact you whenever they want and require via mail and phone, if and when you try and contact them on phone or mail, it's a task. Their automated phone receiving system puts you on hold for long periods and many a times gets disconnected after that. Also if you send them a mail they never reply. They must improve on these.