Apr 10, 2023 09:05 AM
Harold Robbin's book Never Leave Me was a huge disappointment. It was poorly written, with a lot of typos and grammatical errors, making it difficult to follow. The characters were one-dimensional, and the plot was full of holes. The story lacked any real depth and the conflicts felt forced.
The book was poorly edited, with several inconsistencies. For example, the protagonist's age changed without explanation throughout the story. The dialogue was clunky and awkward, which made it difficult to connect with the characters.
The romance in the book was unconvincing and uninspiring. It felt like it was written just to add a bit of spice to the story. The characters had no real chemistry and the relationship felt rushed and contrived.
The ending was also a letdown. It was predictable and anticlimactic. The protagonist's journey was not fully explored, and the resolution felt incomplete.
Overall, I was very disappointed with Never Leave Me by Harold Robbin. It had so much potential but failed to deliver. It was an unsatisfying read, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.