I had premature baby in feb 2019 and did not get milk after caesarean delivery despite all the efforts. I think all the parents worry abour baby weight and those having premature low weighed babies are tensed much more and so was I as everyone in surround used to say that baby can be healthy and get good immunity through mothers milk only.
There are 2 option which one can most commonly go for in local markets: 1st is Lactogen, 2nd is Nan Pro, both are of same Nestle brand but Nan Pro is almost twice costlier than Lactogen so many prefer this option as budget buy. However at least for first few weeks I advice to go for Nan pro especially if baby is premature since babies digest it better than Lactogen hence get all the required nutrients gain better.
I had 34 weeks premature baby weighing 1900gm at the time of delivery and 1800gm at 2 weeks while discharging from hospital. Soon after starting nan pro baby started gain proper weight and at 10 weeks weighed already 4.5kg which is normal weight for these weeks.
Another thing is many say it cant help baby to build good immunuty. My baby now 17 months old and never got sick if even parents did. Never experienced constipation or loose motion using this formula.
Please always go for best option possible when it comes to your kids despite its not often budget friendly.