Neru is a Malayalam-language courtroom drama film that released in theatres on 21 December 2023. The film stars Mohanlal as Vijayamohan, a former lawyer who takes up the case of a blind girl, Sara, who was raped and has sculpted a statue of her rapist. The film is directed by Jeethu Joseph, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Santhi Mayadevi. The film’s unique selling point (USP) is its gripping and realistic portrayal of the legal system and the challenges faced by the victims of sexual assault. The film also showcases Mohanlal’s stellar performance as a brilliant and determined lawyer, who faces his old mentor and rival, Rajashekhar, played by Siddique. The film also features Anaswara Rajan as Sara, Priyamani as Rajashekhar’s daughter, and Santhi Mayadevi as a judge.
The cast performances, direction, screenplay, and cinematography are excellent. The film will be remembered for its social message and its depiction of the plight of the blind community. The film’s cinematography, by Satheesh Kurup, is wonderful for its use of natural light, colours, and angles to create a realistic and immersive visual experience. The film’s music, by Vishnu Shyam, is also good, especially the song “Neru Neru”, sung by Mohanlal himself.