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Greens Cassia Court apartment

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Greens Cassia Court apartment
Nov 07, 2014 10:44 AM 3724 views

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The buying, getting all papers to my lawyer loan processing from SBT, everything was smooth and  went as per my satisfaction. First one year after booking was also good as project was showing progress.Now we are worried as the project is getting delayed. I had anticipated some delay but not beyond 2014.

One of the builders Liju George who was convincing and sounded genuine during the site visit was the reason for purchase. We trusted his words. But the other fellow his friend Mathew who looks after construction is as cunning as a fox. He and the idiot site supervisor make us feel like a dumb brainless doll. If you question anything the idiot supervisor gives very odd rude replies and if you want to take it up with his boss you are just joked with smart replies.

Hope at least now you will act little more sensible and do what is required. Whatever you give in your project it is not given freely it is our hard earned money. People remember how they are treated. Please learn that lesson now.

Opinion on buying cassia court - good project with good papers, amenities and so on but make sure that you visit the site at least once a month so that the site supervisor and construction head don't make a fool of you.

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