Jul 28, 2004 12:37 PM
(Updated Jul 28, 2004 12:37 PM)
Thank you Google.com. Had it not been for you I would not have come across heaven ? also known as MouthShut.com.
I had decided to buy a Fiat Palio. I knew my bank would readily loan me the required amount. So I decided to do a bit of research ? online as well as offline. And what better way to search for things than good ol? Google.
The search results took me to some obvious sites like http://www.cardomain.com, https://fiat-india.com, https://bsmotoring.com etc. But what fascinated me most was a web site with an intriguing name ? MouthShut.com. Hey what?s this? The sleuth within me was interested and I decided to click on http://www.mouthshut.com/readproduct/925040617-1.html - 40k. I was led on to a page displaying opinions by members with IDs like Aviv, Hellova, and dhruv_tara.
I read their reviews and was intrigued. When I pressed on Read All Reviews I was taken in on a registration page. I was quite entertained by this time. Also, what were all these terminologies on the Fiat Palo page like Wish List, Get Updates, and Request Review? I was hooked enough by this time to register. And boy, never have I taken a better decision in my life.
Today, I can say without hesitation: MouthSut.com is truly an amazing site.
Back to then
I needed to know why this site was given such a contradictory name ? mouth shut? ? when in reality it allowed members to open their mouths. I went on digging for more. Even the company background did not help me. ?MouthShut.com is India's first, largest and most comprehensive Person to Person (P2P) Information Exchange. Incorporated in 2000 with offices in Bombay, Vienna, Virginia and Dubai, MouthShut.com's staff includes some of the top Internet and technology experts.?
An email tosupport@mouthshut-inc.com gave me my answer: ?MouthShut, the name, is an indication to manufacturers to keep their mouths shut and let the consumers do the talking.? Great answer MouthShut Support platform. I knew what I was into. I read a whole lot of reviews like someone possessed. And then decided to launch my own stuff. Do read https://mouthshut.com/readreview/58716-1.html when time permits.
17 categories to choose from with thousands of products to write reviews on. One does not get so many topics to choose from. Also, the member community that they have formed is a marvel. You write a review and the rating system along with the comments help you assess your review. So it is a two way process ? you assess products and other members assess you.
I really wish that they had a chat system. And yes, I do wish that the MS team plays an active editorial role. A lot o reviews are not well written ? nothing against the reviewers ? I think the MS editorial staff should play an active role in editing and perfecting these reviews.
Their shopping segment also baffles you. I believe they are still finalizing the data there. A lot of images and data seems to be obsolete. But apart from this, MS is a marvel.
Thank you Mr. Faisal Farooqui for giving us such a great site. I'm sure not to keep my mouth shut any more.