Mar 29, 2004 01:39 AM
(Updated Mar 30, 2004 12:25 AM)
Hi guyz,
I know VB is one hell of a great RAD (Rapid Application Development ) environment but my advice being a developer with 4 years of experience is that do not just stick to one Programming language. Yeah it is very true that you do not need to learn C for learning VB but C is the mother of all languages. It came much before VB and even its ancestor GWBASIC or QBASIC.
Somebody who is good in C is believed to be good in all languages. That is probably a myth !. I never programmed in C++ because I hated the :: and -> constructs. It was too much. I think Java is the best among all languages that does not want the programmer to know about pointers or memory handling.
My advice to all wannabe programmers is learn VB because it is easy to learn but it is imperative for you to try develop various kinds of applications (easy or complex) using it.
Delphi (based on PASCAL) is another RAD which is tougher to learn as it is based on a tougher and stricter syntax like C or java.
I had once written a comparison sheet between Visual Basic and Delphi. Look at this URL
In short, try your hand in different languages as nothing is difficult if you are Willing to try hard. If you solve a problem in VB try doing the same in Java or Delphi.
I always believe in that age old prophecy - A MAN or WOMAN should never stop learning.