Dec 11, 2002 01:02 AM
(Updated Dec 11, 2002 01:05 AM)
I am usually skeptical when it comes to self-help books, but I had heard many great things about John Gray. So one day, I decided to give it a try. This book not only gave me vital information about the opposite sex but also enlightened me about my own sex. I have always noticed the difference between men and women when it comes to the way we think and act but I just figured that men didn't understand women (classic huh??) Well, the day I opened the book I couldn't put it down. I came to realize how I myself think, act and relate to others. I realized how my actions effect those around me, men and women. The book goes into detail about men and the way they perceive things, the way they listen, act and respond. It went into depth about the language barrier between the sexes and how to bridge it. I now know that when I say one thing and mean it a certain way, a man might not take it in such a manner. His interpretation might be another. John Gray explains ways to communicate better and to come to a happy medium. I was so intrigued by this book. I even apply my learnings to this very day. You can actually see the things he discussed happening in everyday life. This book has been very helpful in understanding the opposite sex. I would definitely recommend it to anyone.