Jun 03, 2013 11:13 AM
A guy collided his scooter in to my car and fell down. He agreed that it was his fault. He had two superficial injuries and I took him to the emergency ward of Max Noida, sector 19, for first aid.
They performed the bandaging quickly, but charged me approx 1050 for this. This included doctor consultation fee of 300 and medicines worth approx 350. The medicine included Taxim O - 400mg, twice daily, and some pain killers for 5 days.
Is doctor consultation fee required for minor bandaging?
Is Rs.1050 justified for two bandages. Where the poor will go?
Is Taxim O - 400 mg, twice daily, required for superficial skin injuries.
Moreover, the doctor was repeatedly instigating the injured to file an FIR. Though the injured boy and his father were not eager to do so.
Due to such money mindedness of the hospitals and legal worries many people leave behind accident victims on road.