Jan 16, 2006 04:59 PM
(Updated Jan 16, 2006 04:59 PM)
A beautifully composed and directed movie depicting the very true to life insecurities experienced by a man married to a very attractive woman arising mainly out of the feeling of over possessiveness and an inferiority complex.The acting of all the actors is excellent and true to life. The performance of Rajpal Yadav, Rituparno(female lead) and Vinod Nagpal deserves a special mention. The movie moves like the real life , sometimes slow, sometimes exhilarating, sometimes funny and sometimes sad. However it is easy going and without the usual gangsters, crooks etc. that seem to be part of every Hindi Movie. Not a run of the mill movie but still a very common theme from the human life that any of us can identify with. The producer and director of the movie need to be congratulated for having the courage to make a movie without the standard formula ingredients and doing a good job at that. a movie that can be viewed and enjoyed with family and friends and full of good wholesome fun and entertainment and at the same time carrying a lesson or two for some of us overpossessive males.