Jul 15, 2003 03:35 PM
(Updated Jul 16, 2003 10:29 AM)
In most of the Asian countries, when a government or private servant gets an age of 50-60, he is retired from the service and a Pension is fixed for his life or in the case of private employees, he is given some cash benefits at the time of his retirement. This policy is continued since the induction of the British rule in India and other Asian countries. The British people left us but left behind their traditions. Now a question arises that if a civil or any other type of servant reaches the age of 50-60, he is considered not fit for service any more. What is the reason behind the practice followed by Politicians that they don’t have any age-limit. Mostly, it is observed that Politicians and the big dignities run the most important positions, like President (of a country), Prime Minister, Ministers, State Governors, etc. occupy these important positions even up the age of 85 years. Do they possess special brand of brain or wisdom which never get old and becomes incapable. They should realize that in our country which is very highly populated, a few people in spite of the fact that they are aged people do not retire and deprive the young generation to hold these positions. Everybody knows a young blood can work more actively and efficiently in comparison to the aged ones who suffer from several diseases as some of our big dignitaries are suffering at present. Legislation is required to be made to effect this system that Politicians and big dignitaries must get retired at the age between 50-60 as other government or private servants are retired. This will give a chance to the young people to come in the field and show their capabilities.