Feb 08, 2008 03:00 PM
Local by Jaideep Verma is an emotional, touching tale of a young,
upcoming copywriter Aakash Bhasin. However, it is not merely a story of
the protagonist rather it is a story of all those who must leave behind
everything- family, friends, home and their soul- in their quest for
success and recognition.
Verma uses the Bombay Local as an
interesting plot device to capture the insecurities and conflicts
raging in the mind of Akash. Not only is it symbolic of his frenzied
state of mind but also the nomadic life that Bhasin must endure to
achieve his goal.
For a relaively small length, Local packs in
a lot, which makes it difficult to describe it in a short review like
this. But, as I mentioned earlier, at its core, Jaideep Varma's debut
novel is simply a tale of delusion and sacrifice in the pursuit of
perceived'success' . It might be titled Local but this book is global
in its appeal and its heart.
A wonderful read and a must for those who love emotion and drama.