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Traditions vs sucess
Jun 06, 2006 11:53 PM 5692 Views
(Updated Jun 06, 2006 11:59 PM)

"But dad I dont want to take up science I want to become a journalist and to

become a journalist I have to

take up Humanities"

"Stop it Rohan ,you know very well that everyone in our family took

up science,which is why they have

become doctors and you must

become one too"

Hii friends this is the story of a budding journalist ,Rohan who was forced by his parents to take up science, why?? because it was the TRADITIONof the family .

Let me define the term tradition for you.Literally it means a custom or doing passed down from one generation to another,which is duly followed.

Dreams are shattered,careers ruined,people discouraged by this term TRADITIONin ways more than one proves to be an obstacle in the path of sucess.

Lets start with the field of fashion.Sania Mirza,the teenage Senation of India was critised by the muslim clerics for wearingshort skirts while playing tennis.This issue reached its units when a fatwa was issued against her.A fatwa I a declaration which allows a muslim to kill the person against hom it is issued at sight.What is the reason behind it - Islamic Traditions.My piont here is that everyone(muslims too) want Sania toprogress in her field i.e. Tennis but yet they expect her to play the matches wearing ankle length skirts??How do they expect her to progress amidst such controversy ??

Then we have the age old tradition of the dowry system which requires the bride to give her groom money and other material objects in order to live happily.India claims to be a country here omen are given equal status as men but friends this is not true.What do the poor parents who cannot pay the huge dowry demanded by the grooms do??? Up till date male children are more acceptable than females why ?? because the parents dont have to pay dowry,this system of dowry is responsible for pre-mature death or should I say killing of the foeteus which is why sex determination tests have been made ill-legal.Where does the progress of the nation lie then??

Lets move on to the most current issue reservation of seats in medical colleges-this tradition followed by the government to keep aside seats for weaker sections of the society has hampered the progress of many students.The outcome of this tradition --hunger strikes and demonstration by many studentsand doctors al around the country.It is because of the tradition of reserving seatsthat many deserving candidates end up not getting admission .Isn`t this tradition,hampering the candidates progress ? Yes it is.

Traditionsare there to make us lead a clean and moralistic life and not to block the path of our progress in life..actually it is not traditions that block our path it is we who make traditions a hindrance on our way towards sucess.

Friends this is a thought which came to me..and I wrote a few lines to know if you agree with this..please do tell me what you feel?? by posting your comments ...your` s truly,The analyst :).

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