Apr 26, 2015 02:21 PM
Drinking Tea is unhealthy But drinking Green tea is very healthy and Lipton tea is certainly the best. There are so many types of tea like red tea, black tea, white tea, brown tea but green tea is good for health. it reduce the bad cholesterol and increase the immunity of good cholesterol.
It reduce the fat. it gives freshness.it is very instant to make.there are many flavours in the green tea.like lemon tea mint tea, elaichi tea, Purina tea, herbal green tea, ginger green tea etc.
However, Lipton is the best of the lot. I am having Lipton tea since years and it has helped me in various ways, specially for detox. if one doesn't like plain green tea he can have all these flavours too choose it. Nowadays Doctor also recommended to drink green tea. Corporate office provide green tea to their employees