Sep 11, 2016 10:10 PM
today my review about men lips how can you get pink lips and get rid of from dark lips with natural ways in your home. Who are smocking they can also use this remedies.
remedy 1.
a. 1 spoon sugar paste 1 spoon honey 1 spoon coconut oil mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste then apply it to your lips
remedy 2
b.1 spoon turmeric powder 1 spoon milk and 1 tea spoon glycerin mix it well and make a paste
remedy 3
c. blended beet root paste and 1 spoon of milk mix it thoroughly then apply it
remedy 4
d. rose paste and 2 spoon milk mix it well for smooth consistency when it become purple color or brown then apply on lips
Apply this remedies regularly you can get lighten and pinkish colors lips . Hope this remedies works on everyone.