I was never an android fan. But stock android is amazing. Screen quality is nice. Produces excellent whites and deep blacks.
There are cases that people are receiving handsets with yellow screen issues. But the product I received is perfect. I received product manufactured on oct 2015, so one of the first batches of nexus 5x. No lag whatsoever.
Nexus imprint works amazingly. Sound is nice and loud but lacks bass. 10.67gb storage was left out of the box. I installed few dozen apps. Couple minues of 4k videos and pics. Left with around 6gb space.
So I say its not an issue for a moderate user. Games run smooth btw, but drains battery. Dose feature works perfectly. 1-2 percent drain overnight.
My 6 years old bsnl sim did not get recognized, but all my other sims are working well with this device. Camera is amazing. Best in the market currently. For the new reduced price, this is a good deal. Go for it.