Feb 03, 2018 06:33 PM
Hello guys! I am sharing my views on AC that is LG BSA 12 IMA 1 TON inverter split AC. I had bought this AC last year but now it is not working properly. It shows many properly when we start it on.
It does not give the best cooling effect. its cooling temperature is some higher than the room temperature. It does not give the cooling high even we start it on for full day. Also it creates the very irritating sound when it starts.
This AC is also not so reliable because installation is also of this AC is not so easy. It parts are made up of cheap quality materials which can easily be damaged. So I was not satisfy the services of this AC.
It is also very costly in price but this value is only wastage of money. And also does not give the high satisfaction to customers.
Services and support for customers are very bad because they does not do the free of cost service even when you AC is with in warranty period.