Jul 02, 2018 12:43 PM
I have never a fan of extra make up. but I like to use kajal and have beeen using Amway Artistry products till now.
Due to some reasons It was not available and I had to purchase lakme Eyeconic Kajal pencil. It was recommended by the shop keeper. And he seemed very positive with the product and also have known the LAKME brand since quite long.
Now when I started using it there are some issues which I couldn't ignore and have to stop using it.
After just applying one hour later, I started feeling minor itching and then it turned into burning. My eyes turned red and had to wash it off.
I thought there should be some other reasons and I tried again after 1 week. but again the same issue occured though a bit less and could bear it. but it continues to produce itching. which was not the case with the last one.
Ease of use: it is very easy to use as there are no messy ness, the thickness of the kajal can easily be managed by the sharpness of the tip and it is not easy to wash it of . almost water proof.
Sensitivity: It was quite irritating and gave some problelms. but it is not necessary that everyone will feel the same symptoms. I may be allergic to it.
The price of the stick is not that much as compare to the longevity of the use. and quality but still one point points towards no .