Feb 05, 2015 08:59 PM
When we look at the sky and see the birds spreading their wings and fly away, we wondered how they fly. And then came the biggest invention that revolutionized the mankind. It was the invention of the first aircraft then known as aeroplane and eventually evolved into flight. Coz thats what we humans do, we take a flight and fly across.
Every person fantasizes of flying someday. Some of us are blessed to start doing it at a very young age, some of us fly after we start working and some of us fly only post retirement. Then again the diversification is where we fly. Again some of us fly both domestic and international; be it for work or vacation and some of us fly only domestic again for work or vacation.
I remember wanting to sit in the flight and experience it from the time I was a child(which is to say when I understood it). However, the opportunity to fly knocked on my door only after I got my job. The night before my first flight officially to Bangalore, there was ofcourse the excitement but also a tiny bit of nervousness. The nervousness was only because of the fact that I was going out of my comfort zone of Bombay(sorry Mumbai) to an unknown city without my parents and ofcourse by flight. But then, here I was taking my First Flight and what an experience it was.
I was told by my cousin to book the window seat as its my first time, which I wasn’t very keen(as I am more fond of the aisle). I was kind of irritated about the window seat as all you see are the clouds and nothing else.
But there I was. 6:30AM flight from Bombay to Bangalore Kingfisher Airlines on a Window Seat No. 28A with my purse and the book; “Harry Potter & Goblet of Fire” to read. 5-7mins after the take off, I took my eyes off my book to just glance outside the window and that was it. I couldn’t take my eyes off the window. The view that I saw had me mesmerized for the entire 90min flight till the landing. I don’t even remember what was served, what I ate, what beverage I had.
The view had me spell-bound the whole time. The soft cottony clouds, so pure, so white, so pristine like a cotton candy, with the backdrop of the placid blue sky which stretches infinitely. The sun, ascending gradually, first throwing its rays teasingly from between the clouds and steadily blooming to share its light with the world. The scenery never changed till the flight descend slowly. However, what I saw really felt as if its out of some fairy tale and you are in the land of fairies where there’s always light, always fun and always the feeling of tranquility.
After that I have always chosen the aisle seat coz of varios reasons. But I always thank my cousin for the wonderful first flight experience by actually forcing me to book a window seat. Hence, my advice, I usually prefer using the word suggestion instead of advice, for the first timers, is to always book the window seat for your “First Flight” to experience the true beauty and tranquility of the sky and its various paraphernalia. I guess the frequent fliers will agree with me on this;)