Jun 08, 2016 02:56 PM
This is not a movie, its a concept .may be possible to get success or failed in country like India.
Being human every person needs freedom, luxury living, full fun, enjoy all the time.Who wants to live in responsibility, liabilities, fulfill demands of wife or husband every time.
How can men will handle domestic work through out day like cooking.taking care of belongings, etc and wife will go out for work, earning salary, running home.etc.
This concept will not work much as longer in country like India.how come possible if any couple gets baby .they have to care and female needs more attention in feeding, caring babies rather than Men.
In my opinion its good to watch as light entertainment other wise do not practical .its Yakkk hell lot of life.people are crazy about movie but its one time watch for fun only.
Most of the things are worth to see.like running train model at dinning table, promoting OLX site watching movie, Arjun kapoor wearing bra's, ladies sandals.What he trying to achieve? why can't he came in BRAs advertisement? why only for movie.
While watching this movie in cinema.kids below ten years watching same stuff with family.what he is trying to convey by misbehaving his father in movie.dealing some filthy language.evrytime kareena and Arjun met in any flight .which is not possible to open frankly with co-passenegers.Kareena is ok in this movie.