Nov 17, 2000 08:12 PM
The moment I hear KBN, Im filled with this dirty humiliating feeling...I get so upset that I have now resolved to expose the uncouthe and inhuman reception at KBN.
For starters I must admit I didnt visit KBN for shopping..but I had this school project on window shopping..I had to interview the manager and the co-workers about their choice of display and stuff like that...
I had previously fixed an appointment with some staff member (I cant recollect his name though) over the telephone. He agreed to tour me at 3 in the afternoon..But when I landed up at KBN there is no sign of him...I was then informed that he had not come to work that day...Anywayz we (my friend and I-since it was a team effort) started asking them questions on their displays, the interval of display, their security system.. blah..blah blah..
And while we were clicking pictures of the window cases...there springs up this guy...(i later got to know that he was the manager)..and hes like yelling at us..''who allowed youll to click pictures...with whose permission are youll interviewing the staff?'' We tried to explain to him abt our telephonic conversation..but he was like so adamant...literally a wild bull..(he even resembled one with the upturned noses..heheheh)
We finally left KBN for good ....realizing that KBN lives up to its name--Kabhi Bhi Nahin!!