Don’t put your money for Jain Group Dream one!!

₹98.16 L - ₹1.15 Cr
Possession on: Dec 2020
Status: Under Construction
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Don’t put your money for Jain Group Dream one!!
Feb 05, 2020 11:42 AM 8276 views (via Mobile)

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I am customer of Jain Dream one and I want to warn everyone not to put their hard earned money in this project. They are extremely unprofessional developer. I put my money into this project in 2015 by paying 50% down payments in the hope that I will be getting my apartment in 2019. They clearly mention that the project will be delivered in 2019 in the contract. Now, the construction is not even close to half. We realized that everything was intensional in order to block my money. I am even paying my installments on time. They are fraud and liars. When we mailed them why this is happening and what kind of compensation we will be getting, there is no response.

I am extremely disappointed and don’t want to bear losses anymore. If anyone is in the same page, please let me know. That way we can fight together for our right .


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